Can You Work and Earn Social Security Disability Benefits?

You may be disabled and seeking Social Security Disability benefits. At the same time, you may feel as though you can work a little and earn some money. Should you? The better question may be: Can you legally do so?
You can do both. You can work part-time and make money and receive Social Security Disability benefits. However, you need to know the rules for doing so. Obviously, there are limits that apply because if you are disabled and receiving benefits, then you should be unable to work a regular full-time job.
If you are currently receiving Social Security Disability benefits, they will end if you are engaged in substantial gainful activity (SGA). For 2021, the limit is $1,310 a month for most people. If you are blind, you can earn up to $2,190 per month. These amounts change every year based on inflation.
The only exception is if you are participating in a Social Security program that allows you to work for a trial period so you can transition back into the workforce after suffering a disability. With these work incentive programs, you can work without losing your benefits.
Ticket to Work is a popular program that both SSDI and SSI recipients can take advantage of. This program offers work experience, job training and other services so that disabled people can become self-supporting. If you are interested in returning to work, this is a good program to be a part of because it waives the SGA limits. This means you can earn as much as you want without worrying about losing your Social Security Disability benefits.
However, if you are offered a job while on the program, then your benefits end. If your medical condition worsens, you can quit working and continue receiving your benefits.
You are given a trial period of nine months to see if you can work. You do not have to take the nine months at one, though. You can spread them out over a period of five years. You will get your full benefit regardless of your earnings.
Keep in mind, though, that once you start working, Social Security will be keeping a close eye on you to ensure that you’re not abusing the system. If you are showing that you can work 30+ hours per week, even though you are not exceeding the SGA limits, it will be a challenge to convince the SSA that you are disabled and should continue to receive benefits. Therefore, if you choose to return to work, and want to continue receiving your benefits, do it wisely.
Learn More About Social Security Disability Benefits
If you are disabled but can still work to some degree, make sure you understand the rules and limits that apply. Otherwise, you could end up disqualified.
Let White Plains Social Security disability lawyer Michael Lawrence Varon guide you through the process. We can answer your questions and file a claim, if necessary. Schedule a consultation by contacting our office at 914-294-2145 or by filling out the online form.