How To Use The Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System

Veterans are entitled to many benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). What many do not know, however, is that they can get reimbursed for certain travel expenses. Indeed, the VA reimburses eligible veterans for travel to and from VA or VA authorized non-VA health care facilities for the purpose of examination, treatment, or care. Veterans and other beneficiaries can receive reimbursement for mileage, use of a common carrier (such as a train, bus, plane, taxi, or light rail), or a medically indicated special mode of transport (such as an ambulance or wheelchair van) when traveling to an authorized VA facility for approved medical purposes.
In the past, claims had to be submitted on paper forms via the mail. Now, claims can be filed online through the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System. This web-based application can be used for submitting mileage and other travel reimbursement claims. It allows claimants to get paid faster via direct deposit when compared to paper applications. Plus, the app is accessible 24/7 and you can track your payment at any time.
Paper claims can lead to backlogs. When a veteran files a paper claim, it must be manually loaded and processed by the Beneficiary Travel Team. This results in a longer process, resulting in increased wait times and substantial backlogs.
While using the Beneficiary Travel Self-Service System is not required, it is recommended. To get started, go online to and select the Veteran Travel Claim Entry icon. You can log on in various ways: by using a DS-Logon Level 2 account, using a VA PIV card, via, or by using your My HealtheVet credentials.
The current mileage reimbursement rate is 41.5 cents per mile. There is a $3 deductible for a one-way trip or $6 for round trips. Deductibles are waived once a veteran reaches $18 in deductibles or six one-way (three round) trips, whichever occurs first, in a calendar month.
Eligibility for Travel Reimbursement
Veterans qualify for travel benefits if:
- They have a VA pension.
- They have a single or combined service-connected disability rating of at least 30%.
- Travel is in connection with care for a service-connected disability.
- Travel is for a compensation and pension exam.
- Travel is to obtain a service dog.
- Travel is related to rehabilitative care for a spinal cord Injury, vision impairment, or amputation.
Certain non-veterans can be reimbursed for travel expenses as well, such as attendants, beneficiaries, donors, caregivers, and other support persons.
Learn More About Veterans Benefits
Are you eligible for travel reimbursement? By following the guidelines, you may be able to file a claim and get some extra money in your pocket.
Learn more about your benefits by seeking legal help from a White Plains veterans disability benefits lawyer from The Law Office of Michael Lawrence Varon. We’ll guide you through the process so you get your claim approved the first time around. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling 914-294-2145.