Access to Home for Heroes for Veterans

While veterans benefits are typically federal in nature, each state does have special benefits in place limited to residents only. While that may seem great, the problem is that these benefits are not always widely known. Because they are not publicized, they don’t get used often.
Don’t let this happen to you. If you are a veteran, make sure you are aware of the benefits you are eligible to receive. In New York, one overlooked benefit is the Access to Home for Heroes for Veterans program. Take a look at this beneficial program for potential homeowners.
What is it?
The Access to Home for Heroes program provides financial assistance to veterans with disabilities. The program also assists with the costs of adapting the home to the veteran’s needs. This allows veterans to live comfortably and safely in their own home without the need to live in a facility. Funds are available to help veterans adapt to their home with the help of modifications such as handrails, wheelchair ramps and lifts, roll-in showers and doorway widening.
There are also income limits in place, so the veteran show proof of low or moderate income. The Access to Home for Heroes for Veterans program is administered by not-for-profit corporations and municipalities. They provide the assistance to eligible veterans.
There are three main criteria. The most obvious one is that the applicant must be a veteran. They must meet income guidelines, which are defined as at or below 120 percent of area median income. The applicant must also have a disability. Disability is defined as a permanent physical or medical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity or impacts a bodily function. This must be proven through clinical or laboratory diagnostics.
The home in question must be the veteran’s primary, permanent residence. The veteran may own or rent the home. If the owner of the rental unit is obligated to provide modifications to improve accessibility, they may not use funds from the Access to Home for Heroes program to pay for those improvements.
Applying for the Program
Just like most other government programs, there is a lengthy application process. There are various forms and other documents that you will need to complete, so expect to spend some time filling out this paperwork thoroughly. You want to seek outside assistance, especially since the application process can be confusing and one mistake can cause you to be denied. You may have local resources that can help you. You may even benefit from seeking legal help from an experienced lawyer in the realm of veterans benefits.
Learn More About Veterans Benefits
Veterans are entitled to many benefits. The Access to Home for Heroes for Veterans program is an asset to those who have disabilities and low income but still want to experience their dream of homeownership.
White Plains veterans disability benefits lawyer Michael Lawrence Varon can help you understand your benefits. Don’t miss out on what you deserve as a veteran. To schedule a free consultation, call 914-294-2145 or fill out the online form.