Tag Archives: SSI Benefits

Continuing Your Eligibility For Social Security Disability Benefits
So you finally received your Social Security Disability benefits. The hard part is over—or so you think. Continuing eligibility on a month-by-month basis may be a challenging task, especially if the Social Security Administration (SSA) thinks your condition has improved but you still cannot work. You will receive benefits as long as you are… Read More »

Social Security Disability: Separating The Myths From Reality
If you suffer from a disability so severe that you cannot work, you may be aware that help is available in the form of Social Security Disability benefits. However, you may not have applied for benefits. What’s the use, you might think. You’ve heard so many stories from friends and family members who have… Read More »

Acquiring Social Security Disability for Your Child
Social Security Disability (SSD) is a tool that adults and children with disabilities can utilize to assist them financially. While most people associate disability payments with injured working adults, children can also receive benefits if the parents are disabled and receiving SSD benefits, or if their child has a disability. If you are an… Read More »